The Micro-Peel is a Superficial Peel and is a topical exfoliant applied to the skin to soften the dead skin layer and exfoliate the skin. Stimulating cell turnover will help to restore the skin to a more youthful appearance. Many skin conditions such as acne, fine lines and wrinkles, skin discoloration and superficial scarring may be improved when receiving a series of micro-peels (6 or more as advised by your skin care professional). Because these peels are a light exfoliation of the skin, there is little to no downtime. You may or may not visibly peel. I understand that following the treatment my skin may appear red, may feel tight and feel like it has slight sunburn. Possible side effects include and are not limited to: slight or extreme redness, swelling, stinging, itchy, tenderness, dry or flaking skin. I UNDERSTAND THAT I AM NOT TO PICK THE FLAKING SKIN AS THIS COULD CAUSE UNWANTED PIGMENTATION and INFECTION. Most side effects will gradually diminish over time as healing may take several days. The chemical peel treatment has been fully explained and any questions or concerns have been addressed. I acknowledge that no guarantee has been given to me as to the condition of the complexion, skin pore size, wrinkles or the percentage of improvement expected following treatment, due to each individual's unique reactions. I understand that no specific results are guaranteed. BY SIGNING BELOW, I ACKNOWLEDGE THAT I HAVE READ THE ABOVE INFORMATION AND THEREBY CONSENT AND AGREE TO THE TREATMENT WITH ITS ASSOCIATED RISK. I HEREBY CONSENT TO RECEIVE A GET GLOWING MICRO-PEEL.